27 July 2010

parrie dog.

i was wondering how stupid these Parrie dogs are. and my answer is VERY stupid.
im talking like bud lite guy times a million!
since Friday i have
kicked one because he walked on my foot
watch one run into a car and get squished
run into a wall when i chased it.
eat their own dead.
like really.
its like hamilton squirrels that have inbred for a few hundred years with some sort of retarded gopher.
but what really pisses me off. is the random fucking holes that they make.
i walk the same path to the gym everyday at 545 and today my foot fell into a hole made by one of these part squirrel part gopher full retard.
other than that i have to say i have never seen so much rain EVER. like really. i have 76 days untill im home that means ive been here for 24 and its been clear for ONE whole day.

other than that rant alberta is pretty cool. cheep car insurance so if i do get my bike its going to be cheep cheep cheep on insurance! its going to be awesome! just have to try to find a job for when i get home.

anywho mess is closing and i have to go.