so this past weekend i decided to work a metric shit tonne of hours and just get my self sleep deprived. so i came up with this theory at work
What if we could train monkeys to do grunt work like clean up around the work place.
i know that's a great idea!
sure, at first it would be fun. hey lets miss treat the monkeys. come up with some slang to put them down and degrade them. yeah lawls would be had.
then you will get Peta or some other pro-hippy bullshit to make sure that the monkeys would have equal rights and shit. saftey packages, health benifits, you know shit like that. then before you know it they become members of society.
ok. so they are member, but not equal members. sure they dont get whipped or throw their dung around anymore but, they are getting up there. before you know it monkeys are union reps, they are owning corner stores, selling stuff at flea markets, then it happens.
Monkey for president
yes thats right, it will escalate to this BE WARNED. then all the stoner and idiots that think it would be funny to have a monkey as president would vote for him. then before you know it BAM he gets in. Riots would happen all over the world, monkey uprising countrys would be over thrown by our fesses throwing brethren and before you know it, this world we live in. this earth would just be another planet of the apes.
to any mad scientists or just crazy scientists, trying to train a monkey to talk and take orders. PLEASE for the love of god and all things holy stop your work. you have no idea what kind of snowball effect that this will have.
but long story short. i believe it is necessary to get adequate sleep when working long hours and drinking all night.
that be all.
08 March 2010
Sleep dep?
Posted by big.g.mac at 19:37
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